
23-25 NOVEMBER 2021- Russian Law Week/English Law Week 2021

November 16, 2021

BRLA is a co-organiser of the RLW/ELW 2021 which will take place on 23-25 November online.

It will comprise three virtual sessions on the mornings of:

  • 23 (Pecha-Kucha Session),
  • 24 (Case Study of Commercial issues arising in a HNWI divorce) and
  • 25 (Panel discussion on The Future of the legal profession in the UK and Russia).

RLW/ELW 2021 will culminate with an in-person seminar (“London’s continuing role as a forum of choice for Russian-related disputes: A review of recent developments”) and a drinks reception in London being organised by the BRLA and ARLA on the evening of 25 November. Numbers for this event are restricted due to covid restrictions. Therefore, this will be an invitation-only event, the details of which are below.

Details of the virtual sessions (including information about how to register) can be found on the following link: