BRLA is a co-organiser of the RLW/ELW 2021 which will take place on 23-25 November online.
It will comprise three virtual sessions on the mornings of:
23 (Pecha-Kucha Session),24 (Case Study of Commercial issues… Read the rest
The BRLA (in partnership with DRD Partnership and Dentons) will be hosting its first in-person seminar since Covid on 12 October at Denton’s offices in London.
The topic for discussion will be: Reputation Management in Disputes.
The… Read the rest
The guest speakers will be:
Andrey Pozhitkov, Partner, Altus Capital (Moscow)Recent trends and new challenges in offshore structuring
Denis Olarou, Counsel, Carey Olsen (Cayman Islands)Changes to the Black Swan and… Read the rest
Date and time: 18 May 2021 at 3.30pm (London)/5.30pm (Moscow)
Guest speakers:
Konstantin Kroll of Dentons (Moscow):
Recent amendments to the Russian Arbitrazh Procedure Code and their impact on international arbitration involving sanctions… Read the rest